Becoming all the woman she can be
The past year has seen, communications extraordinaire Phumeza Langa’s wings opening up and following her the flight that she has been putting in the work for in recent years.
Despite the lockdown brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, she has been flourishing in inspiring ways.
Our content creator, Basetsana Makhalemele has a chat with her about her work and how she has managed to structure all that she does.
Ignited Woman (IW): Please tell us a bit about yourself and where you are from?
Phumeza Langa (PL): I am an only child, Johannesburg born and raised woman, mother to a
wonderful little girl who teaches and stretches me every single day. I am married, living in the East Rand
with my family. I am discovering on a daily basis my passions and purpose, and being intentional in
moving towards creating, living and working in a way that allows me to be everything I can be. It is
tough but I must do it, I owe it to myself to explore each and every single part of who I am and my
capabilities as they unfold throughout my life journey.
IW: Can you tell us about the business ventures you are involved in?
PL: I am a Communications Consultant, specialising in digital and copywriting. I am a freelance
writer and have done that for a number of years, a speaker, facilitator and now moving into
the MC space. I do offer those services as an independent contractor.
IW: You are known to be in the communication and you are doing extremely well. Why did you
choose that field and what exactly is your role as a communication consultant?
PL: I stumbled into communications in the best way possible, my high school guidance
teacher recommended Public Relations to me based on what she knew about me. She tasked me
with researching it for myself and I truly am happy about moving in this direction. It’s fascinating to me
that I am still somehow doing certain elements of journalism in my work, and although it is not on
the level of my childhood hero Christiana Amanpour, I am finding ways to share stories in order to
try encourage, teach and open up people’s minds to new ways of learnings - whilst I learn and be
inspired too!
IW: What inspired you as a young woman to take the leap into connecting women and making an
PL: I have been fortunate to have incredible women who have been amazing sources of kindness,
wisdom, strength through various chapters of my life. There was a time I started to intentionally
connect with more like-minded women, and some were women who were in different spaces in
terms of careers, life stages, continents even. However they always welcomed the questions,
conversations, insights I could share - it became about more than my own learning.
IW: How do you juggle everything that you do? And what keeps you motivated to be the woman you
are today?
PL: I have been fortunate that a lot of the things that I do feed into each other, and so it never feels
like work in the traditional sense, but being able to pursue my passions in ways that help me grow
through learning and exploring what I do and can do. I am also choosing what my energy and time
goes to, be it work, conversation I engage in, spaces that I am in - there are days that feel like a lot is
happening but that’s when I know I need to take a pause and rest a bit before starting up again. It is so
easy to burn out and so much harder to get into a good space again. I am motivated by the fact
that I can continuously grow, and I am deliberate in doing the things that help me grow.