Focus feeds purpose!!
I have been struggling a lot with focus lately.
There are so many things that have become a real disruption, the merciless Covid-19 pandemic being the source of some of these unwelcome distractions.
And when one loses focus it is very easy to let other aspects of our lives slip through the crack.
For me I found that I became cynical about my purpose because I was out of touch due to lack of focus.
I have had to draw very deep inside of myself to re-everything – be it rewind, recalibrate, recoup, refresh, restore, and remind myself who I am. Who I truly am and what my purpose truly is.
The one thing that this pandemic has reminded me of is that we don’t have time. And it has also awoken a spirit of being intentional in whatever I do.
As we celebrate the women who came before us this August let’s also make our intentions crystal clear about where we want to steer this country.
The class of 1956 was intentional with their march and paved a way for us.
We now have the baton, we cannot lose focus.